How do you put on a kids swimming cap?

14 Apr.,2024


Why do we insist that all our swimmers wear swimming hats?

For various practical reasons of course!

Parents, if your child is resistant to wearing a cap, this will hopefully help persuade them. If they are still unsure, why not hand it over to our trusty awesome swimming teachers, who are all very experienced in persuading hesitant swimmers to take the plunge with a cap on.   

Swimming caps help you swim faster – All you have to do is look at any professional swimmer to know that swimming caps minimise drag in the water and aid in streamline swimming. Or as we tell the kids; ‘it help you to swim as fast as a speedboat!’

Swimming caps protect hair from chlorine – Chlorine is a disinfectant that is used to keep swimming pools clean and free of germs. However, it can also be harsh on hair, causing it to become dry, brittle, and (for very frequent swimmers) sometimes discoloured. Swimming caps help to protect hair from chlorine by creating a barrier between the hair and the water.

They keep hair out of the face – Swimming caps also keep hair away from the face and eyes, which will help children see clearly and concentrate without the distraction and irritation of hair getting in the way. Tucked away hair also helps goggles to suction better onto the face, minimising leakage and swimmers fiddling with their goggles. Bonus!

They stop hair getting weighed down with water – For those blessed with thick, curly and long hair, it can get very heavy when wet. Swimming caps make swimming easier and faster (with less drag) because your hair doesn’t get fully soaked. Caps also make drying your hair after swimming a lot quicker!

Swimming caps help to keep the pool clean – Hair sheds naturally, and swimming caps help stop that hair ending up in the swimming pool filters, resulting in a lot less mess for our pool maintenance teams.

They prevent hair from getting tangled – Long hair can easily become tangled in the pool, which can be uncomfortable and painful for children (and parents) to sort out later. Swimming caps keep hair tucked away and prevent tangles in the first place.

Swimming hats can help reduce the risk of ear infections – Kids who wear swimming caps that cover their ears benefit from a layer of protection against water entering their ear canals. Whilst some children won’t like the sensation of their ears being covered because it makes their hearing a little duller, it’s worth trying, especially if they’re prone to ear trouble or have grommets. Swimmers’ ear plugs for children have come on a long way and can be very helpful if your child suffers from any of the above ear issues. Have a chat with your doctor if you feel you need them.

In summary, swimming caps for kids are important and it isn’t difficult to help children get them on quickly and gently.

We find at Cindy’s Swim School that because all our pupils wear swimming hats, and it is non-negotiable, we don’t encounter much resistance to the idea. By making the caps a reward for their swimming achievements, different coloured caps carry kudos and are an incentive to swim well. We’d recommend to all parents, on holiday and at home, that you make wearing a swimming hat the norm, and not an optional extra.

Afew tips to get your swimmer excited about wearing their swimming cap:

  • You can make choosing a new swimming cap (different colours or styles) a reward for great swimming.
  • Show them how all the best professional swimmers wear caps because they make you go faster and have more fun!
  • Motivate them with an out-the-pool treat if they wear their swimming caps the whole lesson. Talk to your swimming teacher about it, so that they can help you implement the treat incentive.

Now you know that swimming caps are amazing, the next step is knowing how to put one on quickly and efficiently. Below we show you our handy tricks, so that you never struggle with a swimming cap again!

Preparing to Put the Cap On

Before putting on the swim cap, ensure your child's hair is detangled to avoid discomfort. If your child has long hair, tying it into a low bun or ponytail can help manage the hair under the cap.

Step-by-Step Guide to Putting On a Swim Cap

  1. Hold the Cap Correctly: Hold the swim cap with both hands, fingers on the inside and thumbs on the outside, near the bottom of the cap.
  2. Position the Cap: Ask your child to lower their head slightly. Align the front of the cap with the forehead, just above the eyebrows, ensuring the cap's logo is facing front if there is one.
  3. Stretch and Pull Over: Gently stretch the cap open and ease it over your child's head, starting from the forehead towards the back. Ensure not to pull too hard to avoid snapping.
  4. Adjust for Comfort: Once the cap is on, adjust it around the ears and the back of the head for comfort. Tuck in any stray hairs, being careful not to pinch the skin.
  5. Final Checks: Double-check that the cap is snug but not too tight. It should cover the hairline but not the ears entirely, unless preferred for water protection.

Tips for Making the Process Easier

Use a Conditioner or Talcum Powder: Applying a small amount of hair conditioner or talcum powder inside the cap can make it easier to slide over the hair.
Practice Patience: Putting on a swim cap can be a new sensation for children. Be patient and gentle to create a positive experience.
Involvement of the Child: Encourage your child to participate in the process, such as holding the cap or adjusting it, to make them feel more involved and comfortable.

How do you put on a kids swimming cap?

How to Put a Swim Cap on a Child: A Step-by-Step Guide